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2019 International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching

2019 International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) is an educational framework for the theory and practice of teaching second or foreign languages. Based on empirical research, TBLT adopts meaning-based, communicative tasks as the central unit for defining language learning needs, determining curriculum goals, designing activity in the (language) classroom, and assessing language competencies. With the “TBLT: Insight, Instruction, Outcomes” theme, the conference aims to broaden the current perspectives on TBLT by focusing on the learner, teaching, and evaluation of learning by asking “what lies ahead?” To this end, we invite researchers and educators from around the world to come together to gain knowledge and increase understanding about task-based theoretical insights, instructional practices, and assessment strategies.

Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. (du 2019-08-19 au 2019-08-21)

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